Sunday, October 11, 2009

C-U-T-E what's that spell? Mitchell :)

Insanely sweet
Totally ah-dorable
Extremely smart

I have a boyfriend... His name is Mitchell... And he means the world to me :)

Friday, August 21, 2009


Cookie... a word with multiple meanings. 1... a tasty morsel of deliciousness. 2... a dutch word that could be used to describe all idiotic men. And while we're on the topic of men... just kidding... boys... why don't we talk about the way they act and all the stupid things they do.

1. They stink.

2. They don't know the meaning of the words "slow pace"
3. They don't think before they speak.

4. They think "open relationships" are actually okay.

5. They screw you over without a second thought. (you all know it's true)

6. They stink.
7. They're clingy, but get mad when you do the same. Then deny it.

8. They're always in denial.
9. They can be pigs.

10. They stink.

I'm sure there are many more examples that we can think of. But unfortunately... no one has enough time to write them all down because there are so many. Lets just face it... all men are COOKIES.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Meaning of Life

Life: what is the true meaning of life???

it's not really something u's more of something u find. the answer won't just come to u though.....u have to look deep within ur soul to find it.
in my opinion...the meaning of life is to fulfill it. live life to it's fullest. don't hold back. live ur dreams. most people just sit around on the couch thinking "what am i doing here??? it's not like i'm gonna make it anywhere in life" and that's mistake number one. how do u know if u'll make it or not??? ur the one sitting on the couch watching a marathon of friends. i'd suggest getting of ur booty and find what truely makes u happy. for me, i've found music. music is the heart and soul of everything i do. and someday....i hope to follow through with my dream of being a professional musician. now i know it may not happen....but why not try right??? i'd rather know that i TRIED and failed rather than knowing i didn't try at all.
in life.....ur suppose to make the most of it. and u can't just do it by not doing anything. things won't just come ur way. u have to experience things to find out what ur true niche is.

remember, this is just my meaning of life. it's prolly completely different than urs. although, it very well may be exactly the same. if u have any further questions....feel free to comment.

-Megan Nicole Grimm

Sunday, February 15, 2009

guys - can't live with em . . . can't live without em

guys.....what would us girls do without them??? maybe throw the coolest party in the world??? or sob until the tears don't come anymore??? if guys were eliminated from the earth, that's prolly what would happen. somedays, guys make u feel like an important part of the world. like the missing piece to their life. but then those other days, they make u feel inferior. those stupid guys say things as if they did nothing wrong. well news flash....ur WRONG!! i know that we're all anxious to find that perfect guy. after dating 10 men, u'll prolly find mr. right . i was saying...guys r so confusing. they tell u one thing that leads u on....then they rip it away and break ur heart. so here is a list of why guys r important....and why they're NOT.

10 reasons why girls like guys:
1. they're SUPER cute.
2. they can have a great personality.
3. they know how to make u laugh out loud.
4. they say the darndest things
5. they can be smart, funny, and sweet all at once.
6. they know how to cuddle u the right way when ur feeling down.
7. sometimes....they get competitive to impress u or other guys.
8. they always find what makes u smile .
9. they "usually" smell good.
10. there's too many reasons to explain why girls fall head over heels for a guy.

10 reasons why we DON'T like guys:
1. they can be rude and appalling.
2. they don't even know what the word chivalry is anymore.
3. they say things without thinking.
4. they don't usually have good manners. (major pet peeve)
5. they would rather spend time with their guy friends than u. as they say, bros before hoes.
6. they would rather watch football than ur dance recital.
7. they r funny at the wrong times...
8. they always flirt with other girls, even if they don't mean to.
9. they get all serious over nothing.
10. too many more reasons to type. i don't think my little fingers could handle it haha.

all i'm saying is that there are plenty of reasons to like them, and plenty of reasons to hate them. and somedays.....i wish i could do both...but for me that's humanly impossible. all i know is that i guess it's a good thing to have u guys here.....even though u bug me all the a good way .

-Megan Nicole Grimm
feelings from deep within my soul
Current mood:blank
Category: Writing and Poetry
My Soul

by Megan Grimm

my soul plays an important role in my life. it's what makes if i had no soul, id be a bottomless pit of darkness. but when my soul is in full use, my life feels like a roller coaster ride. it has its ups and downs, but that's what makes a person interesting. some days, i could hate the world so much that i would throw a glass bowl across the room and break it, then go into a giant break down. but the other days, i get a feeling like no other. i actually feel like i mean something to the world. like my actions and music can actually make a difference. and let me tell u, it's the best feeling to have. normally, i express myself through writing, and when someone can actually relate to what im expressing, it makes my soul soar. there's no other feeling like it. the soul is a unique part of a person. it's what truly makes u urself. if nobody had a soul or personality, we would all be bland like unflavored oatmeal. but since most people allow themselves to have soul and personality, we choose for ourselves to be colorful, free spirits. it's crazy how much we can change our lives. people say "my life sucks and there's nothing i can do about it." WRONG! there is something u can do about it. even if ur physical life maybe rough, it doesn't mean ur emotional life has to be too. if u let urself free from all bad thoughts, then u'll be a happier person. i myself have had my fair share of complaints. i may not be happy with myself, but it doesn't mean i absolutely hate myself. if u ask some of my closer, more personal friends (maddie and aaron) they could probably name a few times when i complain about everything....but then there's those few days in between the roughness that they see my actual happy soul. my free and colorful spirit. everyone always has there moments. bad attitudes, bad hair days, what ever it is, just remember to let ur soul soar above everything else and be urself. ur soul is what makes u...U!!!

Megan ♫